Puzzle Hunt
In collaboration with Caltech's Puzzle Club, CHMMC brings you a puzzle hunt in the form of a short campus tour. Inspired by Ditch Day, a Caltech tradition featuring themed puzzles and activities designed by seniors for their underclassmen, this hunt will lead you to various iconic locations around campus as you solve puzzles with your fellow CHMMC participants. Please note that the puzzle hunt will take place at the same time as the integration bee finals.
2023 Puzzles
Below are the puzzles for the CHMMC 2023 puzzle hunt. The flavortext for each puzzle will give away the answer for the previous puzzle, so the puzzles are best done in order. On the day of the competition, the hunt was presented in a tour of campus style, with each puzzle's answer being the location for the next puzzle.
2023 Puzzle Solutions
Below are the solutions for the CHMMC 2023 puzzle hunt. Reach out to us at chmmc-help@caltech.edu if you have any questions.